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<WL>证(F證) [zhèng] prove, confirm; 借书证 library card; 证件 credentials/papers
<WL>证(F證) [zhèng] prove/confirm/verify; 证件 credentials/papers; 借书证 library card
The full form 證(􀜗) zhèng ‘prove’ combines 讠(言 yán) ‘direct speech’, 登(􀑵) dēng ‘climb’ (phonetic).
The full form 證(􀜗) zhèng ‘prove’ combines 讠(言 yán) ‘direct speech’, 登(􀑵) dēng ‘climb’ (phonetic).
The simple form 证 has 正 zhèng ‘correct’ (phonosemantic) instead of 登.
The simple form 证 has 正 zhèng ‘correct’ (phonosemantic) instead of 登.
Note: The form 証 was often used in place of ; according to Karlgren 証 zhèng ‘remonstrate’ was etymologically the same word as 正 and 政, cf. (SW:) “証, 諫也。”
Note: The simple form 证 derives from an old form 証(􀙦) zhèng ‘criticize/admonish/accuse’, formerly also used for 證 zhèng ‘prove/verify’ (accusations must be proven true).
Note: Today the simple form 证 is used except when the meaning is ‘disease’, in which case the simple form is 症 (also sometimes used among full form characters).
Compare: 征(􀒓)/徵(􁙱) zhēng ‘evidence’; 政(􀢗) zhèng ‘rectify/correct/rule’; 定(􁎶𡧡) dìng ‘fixed/regular/stable’.
#rK.AD1198 D.6.3952.1 B.061.1.04 E.0
#rK.AD1198 D.6.3952.1 B.061.1.04 E.0
#y jing-
#y jing-

Revision as of 23:28, 14 February 2018

证 [To view this entry, please log in]

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