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<WL>槔 [gāo] 桔槔 jiégāo counterweighted lever/bucket device (on a well)
<WL>槔 [gāo] 桔槔 well sweep/pole (shadoof/shaduf)@@; (HDZ:) 桔槔: 井上汲水工具 (cf. 桔); 吊物的简单机械; (木名)
From 木 (mù) ‘wood’ and 皋 gāo (phonetic); cf. .
The character 槔 gāo ‘well sweep’ combines 木 (mù) ‘tree/wood’, and 皋(􁱑) gāo (phonetic); formerly also wr. 皋(􁱑) gāo, 橋(􁁲) jiāo.
Variants: 橰/臯, 槹, 槔/皋.
Note: 桔槔 jiégāo ‘well sweep’ is an ancient irrigation device, and the syllable 槔 of 桔槔 is variously wr. 橋(􁁲), 橰/臯, 槹, 槔/皋; cf. 桔(􀼬).
Compare: 韩/韓(􀻓𩏑) hán ‘well sweep’ (DYC).
HDZ: 槔 : gāo : 桔槔: 井上汲水工具 (cf. 桔, 檕); 吊物的简单机械; (木名)
#rK.GSR1040c D.2.1264.13 G.155.21 B.312.0.03
#rK.GSR1040c D.2.1264.13 G.155.21 B.312.0.03
#y gou\
#y gou\

Latest revision as of 23:10, 14 February 2018

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