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<WL>宁 [nìng] (F寧) (宁愿, 宁可) prefer, rather [níng] (F寧) 宁静 tranquil@@  [zhù] 㝉: 贮/貯, 积聚; 伫/佇, 久立; 宫殿的门和屏之间; 正门内侧屋之间
<WL>宁 [nìng] (F寧) prefer/rather, had better (宁愿, 宁可)  [níng] (F寧) peaceful/tranquil (宁静)@@  [zhù] 㝉: 贮/貯, 积聚; 伫/佇,
The full form 寧(􀴳) nìng ‘peace’ augments an old form 寍(􁎵) combining 宀 (mián) ‘roof’, (xīn) ‘heart’ and 皿 (mǐn) ‘dish’; the bottom of 寧(􀴳) was not 丁(􂤴) dīng, but 丂(􀴱) kǎo (as in 可, as in 宁可 ‘would rather; better’).
The simple form 宁 nìng/níng ‘rather/peaceful’ is an abbrev. of the full form 寧, with 宀 (mián) ‘roof’ over 丁 dīng (phonetic), omitting the central full-form components (𬐘).
The simple form 宁 nìng is an abbrev. of , with 宀 (mián) ‘roof’ over 丁 dīng (phonetic).
The full form 寧(􀴳) nìng/níng ‘would rather; had better’ augments the old form 寍(􁎵) níng ‘peaceful’ (phonetic), with 丂(􀴱) kǎo, as in 可(􀴵) kě (as in 宁可 ‘would rather; had better’).
Note: The old bottom component of 寧(􀴳) was not 丁(􂤴) dīng, but 丂(􀴱) kǎo (specifying 宁可 ‘had better’); later 丂 was reinterpreted as 丁 dīng (phonetic), and 寧 replaced old 寍; it seems that 寧(􀴳) nìng/níng ‘would rather; had better’ (note the tonal variation for this meaning) was formerly wr. 寍.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 寍(􁎵) níng ‘peaceful’ combines 宀 mián ‘roof/dwelling/home’ (as in 安 ‘peaceful’), 心 xīn ‘heart/feeling’, and 皿(􀶏) mǐn ‘dish’ (phonosemantic?): a home with dishes full of food/drink satisfies/pacifies the hunger/hearts of the household.
“Peace, rest; tranquilize; (find peace in, like:) to prefer... a 宀 house, a 心 heart and 皿 a cup... the addition below is not 丁 in the seal but 丂 (qiǎo) take breath, rest” —Karlgren.
“Peace, rest; tranquilize; (find peace in, like:) to prefer... a 宀 house, a 心 heart and 皿 a cup... the addition below is not 丁 in the seal but 丂 (qiǎo) take breath, rest” —Karlgren.
Compare: 安(􁎸) ān ‘peaceful/stable’ (安宁, 安静, 宁静); 家(􁎞) jiā ‘home/family’.
Compare: 孟(􂥗) mèng ‘eldest son’, 盟(􁊚􁊙𥂗􁊘𥁰) méng ‘oath/pact/treaty’ (皿 is phonetic in these).
Compare: 贮/貯(􁄰), 㝉/宁(􂤓) zhù.
Compare: 贮/貯(􁄰), 㝉/宁(􂤓) zhù.
HDZ: 宁 : zhù : 㝉: 贮/貯, 积聚; 伫/佇, 久立; 宫殿的门和屏之间; 正门内侧屋之间
Compare: “It is Cabestan's heart in the dish.” –Ezra Pound (Canto IV)
HDZ: 宁 : zhù : 㝉: 贮/貯, 积聚; 伫/佇, 久立; 宫殿的门和屏之间 (cf. 箸, 位著/箸/㝉); 正门内侧屋之间 • níng : (简体) 寧 • nìng : (简体) 寧
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Revision as of 23:01, 14 February 2018

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