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<WL>逸 [yì] leisure; escape; 安逸 ānyì comfortable, leisurely
<WL>逸 [yì] leisure; escape; 安逸 ānyì comfortable, leisurely@@; (HDZ:) 逃逸, 逃跑; 奔跑; 释放; …
From 兔 ‘rabbit’ and 辶(辵 chuò) ‘go’.
The character 逸(􁫊) yì ‘run away’ combines 兔 ‘rabbit’, and 辶(辵 chuò) ‘go’; also wr. 佚(􁘜).
“A hare that runs away, 会意。By extension, to live like a hare, to lead an idle and licentious life; the hare being looked upon in China as the type of profligacy, and very ill-reputed” —Wieger.
“A hare that runs away, 会意。By extension, to live like a hare, to lead an idle and licentious life; the hare being looked upon in China as the type of profligacy, and very ill-reputed” —Wieger.
HDZ: 逸 : yì : 逃逸, 逃跑, (SW:) 失; 奔跑; 释放; 隐逸 (cf. 佚); 散失, 亡失; 过失; 超绝; 急速; 去, 过去; 闲适, 安乐; 放纵; 置; 浮靡; 理; (姓)
#rG.469.24 W.106b K.GSR396a D.6.3853.1 M.3045 KX..1260.08 B.201.0.04 E.1
#rG.469.24 W.106b K.GSR396a D.6.3853.1 M.3045 KX..1260.08 B.201.0.04 E.1
#y yaht-
#y yaht-

Revision as of 04:46, 23 November 2017

逸 [To view this entry, please log in]

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