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<WL>泽(F澤) [zé] 沼泽 marsh, swamp; 色泽 color and lustre; 毛泽东@@  [shì] [yì] [duó] cf. 澤
<WL>泽(F澤) [zé] 沼泽 marsh/swamp/bog; bright/glossy (色泽 ‘color/lustre’); 毛泽东 (毛主席)@@  [shì] [yì] [duó] cf. 澤
From 氵(水 shuǐ) ‘water’ and 𠬤() yì phonetic.
The character 泽/澤(􁺖𤀎) zé ‘moist/glossy (surface)’ combines 氵(水 shuǐ) ‘water’, and 𠬤/睪(􁰽𥇡) yì ‘watch/spy on’ (phonetic).
泽 zé ‘marsh’ is associated with the trigram ☱ 兑 duì.
Note: /澤 ‘marsh/pond/lake’ is associated with the trigram/hexagram /䷹ 兑 duì ‘joy’ (☳ vessel full of ☵ water/nourishment).
#rK.AD202 D.3.1599.2 B.093.0.07 E.0
#rK.AD202 D.3.1599.2 B.093.0.07 E.0

Revision as of 04:39, 23 November 2017

泽 [To view this entry, please log in]

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