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<WL>姑 [gū] 姑娘 gūniang girl
<WL>姑 [gū] 姑娘 gūniang girl; daughter, 姑娘 gūniáng aunt; sister-in-law
From 女 (nǚ) ‘woman’ and 古 gǔ phonetic.
The character 姑(􂉢) gū ‘mother-in-law (mother of one's husband)’ combines  女 (nǚ) ‘woman’ and 古 gǔ (phonetic).
Note: In addition to the old primary meaning ‘mother-in-law (mother of one's husband)’, extended meanings include ‘aunts (sisters of one's father)’, ‘sisters-in-law (sisters of one's husband)’, ‘mother-in-law (mother of one's wife)’, ‘woman/women’, ‘girl’, etc.
HDZ: 姑 : gū : 丈夫的母亲; 父亲的姊妹; 丈夫的姐妹 (姑嫂); 妻子的母亲 (外姑); (通称) 妇女; 出家的女子 (三姑六婆); (虫名) 蝼蛄; (副词) 姑且, 暂且; 盬 (gǔ): 吸饮; (姓)
#rK.GSR49g D.2.1035.4 M.3453 G.082.06 KX..258.32 B.098.1.01 E.1
#rK.GSR49g D.2.1035.4 M.3453 G.082.06 KX..258.32 B.098.1.01 E.1

Revision as of 22:43, 11 October 2017

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