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<WL>夬 [guài] (卦名) ䷪ Break-through (Resoluteness)@@  [jué] 決/玦: 钩弦器 (扳指 ‘archer's thumb ring’); 损伤, 伤怀  [quē] 缺
<WL>夬 [guài] (卦名) ䷪ Break-through (Resoluteness)@@  [jué] 決/玦: 钩弦器 (扳指 ‘archer's thumb ring’); 损伤, 伤怀  [quē] 缺
The oracle-bone character (from 王宏源) seems to show two hands holding a large U shape. Such a penannular jade ring was called a 玦 jué. In ancient times the jué symbolized authority, or cutting off a relationship. An archer’s thumbring was also called a 玦 jué. The meaning ‘break-through’ might derive from the missing portion of the ring, where it is broken through; or from “the bursting loose of the bow string” as Karlgren says (release of the bowstring). The pronunciation is not jué for the name of the hexagram ䷪ 夬 guài.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 夬(􀠚叏) jué is said to combine 又(􀠋) yòu ‘right hand’ (cf. 右), and a shape above like 夊(􀺧) depicting an archer’s ivory thumbring (the vertical line is the bowstring, as in 引).
决 jué as in 决定 juédìng ‘decide’ is a cognate word.
Note: In ancient archery the thumbring was used to protect the thumb of the archer’s right hand from the bowstring (to prevent blisters when drawing a strong bow); such thumbrings were made of ivory, bone, jade, metal, wood, or leather (cf. 韘, 拾; 韝); modern archers often wear a leather finger tab instead (drawing the bow with the fingers rather than the thumb).
Older graphs associated with 夬/玦 seem to show two hands holding a large U shape (王宏源), a penannular jade ring symbolizing authority.
Note: ䷪ 夬 guài (not jué); the meaning ‘break-through’ is extended from “the bursting loose of the bow string” (Karlgren: AD440).
Compare: /決 jué (as in 决定 juédìng ‘decide’, 决断 juéduàn ‘decisiveness/resolution’).
HDZ: 夬 : guài : 分決 (决断); (卦名) ䷪ • jué : 钩弦器 (決: 扳指; cf. 玦); 损伤, 伤坏; 缺 (quē): 空缺
#rG.386.33 W.43o H.271 K.AD440,GSR312a WHY...134 D.1.51.11 M.3535 KX..249.01 B.011.0.02 E.1
#rG.386.33 W.43o H.271 K.AD440,GSR312a WHY...134 D.1.51.11 M.3535 KX..249.01 B.011.0.02 E.1
#y gwaai/
#y gwaai/

Revision as of 22:43, 11 October 2017

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