Difference between revisions of "Ci:1014020152"

From Wenlin Dictionaries
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ref  vwu2747a3
ref  vwu2747a3
ps  f.e.
ps  f.e.
df  present whereabouts is unknown
df  [en] present whereabouts is unknown
df  [fr] l'emplacement actuel est inconnu
ex  Nà háizi mùqián ∼.
ex  Nà háizi mùqián ∼.
hz  那孩子目前∼。
hz  那孩子目前∼。
tr  The present whereabouts of the child is unknown.
tr  [en] The present whereabouts of the child is unknown.
tr  [fr] L'emplacement actuel de l'enfant est inconnue.
rem@yy200510  Shifted ex, hz, tr from entry '下落' to here.
rem@yy200510  Shifted ex, hz, tr from entry '下落' to here.
freq  5 [gr:E]</WL>
freq  5 [gr:E]
rem@sarahbrahy_2017-06-29T22:48:00CEST  changed entry

Latest revision as of 22:49, 2 July 2017

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The ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary (namespace Ci)
URL: https://wenlin.co/wow/Ci:1014020152
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