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<WL>亯(=) [xiǎng] cf. 享 (!畐畗𡕨)
<WL>亯(=􀹹􀹺𠅠享亨) [xiǎng] cf. 享; (!畐畗𡕨)
Compare: 畐(􀺅畗) fú, 福(􀀜) fú ‘blessing’, 复(􀺩𡕨).
The Shuōwén Seal form of 亯(􀹹) xiǎng ‘offer; accept (an offering)’ combines 高(􀹨) gāo ‘high (ancestral hall)’ abbrev., and a shape like 日(􁈏) depicting a sacrificial offering (皀); the offering is made by an inferior positioned below (so poor that he is not even drawn), to the superior above (condescending, stooping down to receive it); in the old form 享(􀹺𠅠) communion of the offerer (below) and the recipient (above) is depicted, but the (modest) offering is omitted; cf. 享/亨.
Compare: 飨(􀸋饗) xiǎng ‘feast/entertain (guests)’ (cf. 享: 亯/飨混用); 皀(􀷕) xiāng ‘fragrant rice/grain/cereal’; 香(􁍅𪏽) xiāng ‘fragrant’.
Note: The inverted form of 亯(􀹹) is 㫗(􀹿𣆪) hòu ‘thick/rich’.
Older graphs associated with 亯/享 are thought to depict the ancestral temple (where offerings were made); cf. 享(􀹺𠅠).
Compare: 临(􁙼臨) lín ‘look down on, stoop down to (from above)’ (䷗).
Compare: 畐(􀺅畗) fú, 福(􀀜) fú ‘blessing’, 复(􀺩𡕨) .
#rG.311.43 K.AD141 D.1.285.5 KX..89.05
#rG.311.43 K.AD141 D.1.285.5 KX..89.05

Revision as of 20:33, 7 June 2017

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