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<WL>冲 [chōng] (F沖) rinse; rush; (F衝) rush  [chòng] (F衝) towards
<WL>冲 [chōng] (F沖) rinse/wash; gush/flush; (F衝) charge/rush  [chòng] (F衝) towards
is composed of 冫(水 shuǐ) ‘water’ and 中 zhōng phonetic.
The simple form chōng/chòng (not in Shuōwén) combines 冫(仌/冰) bīng ‘ice’, and 中 zhōng/zhòng (phonetic); this simple form 冲 (with 冫, not 氵) replaces both 沖 and 衝 in simplified texts; cf. 沖(􁹘) chōng, and 衝(􀕎𧘂) chòng/chōng.
The form 沖, with 氵 three-dot water instead of two-dot water, is more common among full form characters. But 冲 with two dots is very old, it occurs in 老子 Lǎozǐ. ‘冲:同“沖”《玉篇‧冫部》:“冲,俗沖字。”《老子》第四十五章:“大盈若冲,其用不窮。” 按:今为“衝”的简化字。’ (Hànyǔ Dà Zìdiǎn).
Note: 冲 is an old common form (俗字), catalogued as a variant of 沖 as early as the 6th c. (玉篇); it also occurs in the common/received texts of 《老子》: 第四十五章:“大盈若冲,其用不窮。” (HDZ).
Another character 衝 is used among full form characters for chòng ‘towards’ and sometimes for chōng ‘rush’ when the meaning doesn’t involve water. 衝 is composed of (xíng) ‘walk’ and 重 zhòng phonetic.
Compare: (4th tone) 冲(衝) chòng ‘mechanical punch’ (冲床 chòngchuáng ‘punchpress’); but otherwise 冲 in common polysyllabic words is always pronounced chōng (1st tone).
冲(衝) chòng (fourth tone) also means ‘mechanical punch’. Otherwise, in polysyllabic words is always pronounced chōng (first tone).
Compare: 凉(􁽍涼) liáng ‘cool/cold’ (also with simple 冫), but 净/凈(􁷽淨浄) jìng ‘clean/clear’.
Summary: there are two full forms, 沖 and 衝 (sometimes interchangeable); there is only one simple form: .
HDZ: 冲 : cf. 沖 (chōng); (玉篇) 冲 (俗字) ; (老子) 第四十五章: 大盈若冲, 其用不窮 (cf. 沖/盅); (简体) 衝
#rK.AD1269,1270 D.1.295.8 M.1523 KX..131.28 B.033.1.01 E.0
#rK.AD1269,1270 D.1.295.8 M.1523 KX..131.28 B.033.1.01 E.0
#y chung\
#y chung\

Revision as of 22:17, 27 May 2017

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