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From Wenlin Dictionaries
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<WL>軾(S轼) [shì] leaning board in front of ancient carriage
<WL>軾(S轼) [shì] (古) front handrail/railing (leaning board) of a carriage (for passengers to hold onto/lean on)@@; (HDZ:) (古) 式: 车箱前面供立乘者凭扶的横木, …
DYC: 車輿 (车辆, 车轿)…軾與較皆車闌上之木…四圍, 旁謂之輢, 前謂之軾, 軾卑於較二尺二寸
HDZ: 軾 : shì : (古) 式: 车箱前面供立乘者凭扶的横木, 有三面, 其形如半框 (式/軾: 车厢前面用来扶手的横木; cf. 輢, 較, 車欄); 伏轼致敬 (伏軾/式: 俯身靠在车前的横木上 (cf. 絥); 撫軾/式: 乘车时, 身子前俯, 两手倚凭车前横木, cf. 式: 礼仪, 立乘车上俯身抚拭, 表示敬意)
HDC: 車欄/闌: (古) 车箱的前面和左右两边用木条构成的大方格围栏
#y sik\
#y sik\
#rK.GSR918l D.5.3526.7 M.5819 G.525.41 KX..1242.20</WL>
#rK.GSR918l D.5.3526.7 M.5819 G.525.41 KX..1242.20

Latest revision as of 02:50, 25 April 2017

軾 [To view this entry, please log in]

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