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<WL>式 [shì] (形式) form; 方式 way, pattern; 正式 formal, official@@  [tè] 慝,
<WL>式 [shì] (形式) form; 方式 way, pattern; 正式 formal, official; 方程式 equation/formula@@  [tè] 慝:
From 工 (gōng) ‘work’ and 弋 yì (arrow with string) phonetic.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 式(􀴏) shì ‘law/rule’ (governing military supplies/expenditures) combines 工 (gōng) ‘work’ and 弋 yì ‘arrow on a string’ (phonetic).
“Pattern, shape; fashion, sort; rule, law; imitate” —Karlgren.
“Pattern, shape; fashion, sort; rule, law; imitate” —Karlgren.
Compare: 试(􀙪試) shì (试用), 使(􁗱𠉕) shǐ (使用; cf. 試).
HDZ: 式 : shì : 榜样, 模范; 法度, 规矩; 规格, 样式; 用 (cf. (DYC:) 式謂用財之節度); 仪式, 典礼 (开幕式, 阅兵式); (自然科学) (分子式, 方程式); (叙述式, 疑问式, 命令式); (古) 軾: 车厢前面用来扶手的横木 (…參/三分其隧, 一在前, 二在後, 以揉/煣其式); (古) 礼仪, 立乘车上俯身抚拭, 表示敬意; (古) 栻: 占卜的用具, 星盘; (语气词); 拭: 揩, 擦; (古县名); (姓) • tè : 慝: 恶
#rG.525.38 W.71c K.AD887,178,GSR918f D.1.558.7 M.5817 KX..355.06 B.022.0.05 E.1
#rG.525.38 W.71c K.AD887,178,GSR918f D.1.558.7 M.5817 KX..355.06 B.022.0.05 E.1
#y sik\
#y sik\

Revision as of 02:49, 25 April 2017

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