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<WL>灸 [jiǔ] 针灸 zhēnjiǔ acupuncture and moxibustion
<WL>灸 [jiǔ] moxibustion (针灸 zhēnjiǔ ‘acupuncture and moxibustion’)@@; (HDZ:) (中医) 疗法之一; 烧灼; 拄, 支撑; 堵塞; (姓)
From 久 jiǔ phonetic and 火 (huǒ) ‘fire’.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 灸(􁮄) jiǔ ‘moxibustion’ combines 火 (huǒ) ‘fire’ and 久(􀻝) jiǔ (phonetic); cf. 久, which is said to be an old writing of 灸.
Note: In traditional Chinese medicine moxibustion involves burning moxa cones/sticks (dried 艾绒 mugwort, Artemisia) at certain 穴位 ‘acupoints’ on the body; cf. 艾炷, 艾条.
Compare: 炙(􁯺) zhì (as in 炙烤).
HDZ: 灸 : jiǔ : (中医) 疗法之一 (以艾绒所制艾炷或艾条, 烧灼或熏熨人体穴位表面); 烧灼; 拄, 支撑; 堵塞; (姓)
#rK.GSR993b D.3.2190.1 M.1189 G.322.20,434.36 KX..666.12 B.055.1.08
#rK.GSR993b D.3.2190.1 M.1189 G.322.20,434.36 KX..666.12 B.055.1.08
#y gau-
#y gau-

Revision as of 02:27, 19 April 2017

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