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<WL>蹲 [dūn] sit/squat@@ (坐, 虚坐) [zún] (旧读)  [cún] 壿: 舞貌; 士舞 [zūn] (鸟名) 鷷: 雉  [cǔn] 聚集, 迭合  [cuán] 蹲𧿙=躦𧿙: 聚足  [qǔn] 蹲循: 缓意, 却退
<WL>蹲 [dūn] 蹲踞 squat, 下蹲 crouch/squat@@; (HDZ:) ; 虚坐  [zún] (旧读)  [cún] 壿  [zūn] (鸟名) 鷷: 雉  [cǔn] 聚集, 迭合  [cuán] 蹲𧿙=躦𧿙: 聚足  [qǔn] 蹲循: 缓意, 却退
From ⻊(足 zú) ‘foot’ and 尊 zūn (‘respect’) phonetic.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 蹲(􀗈) dūn ‘sit/squat’ combines (􀖉) zú ‘foot’ and 尊(􂧍𢍜) zūn ‘respect’ (phonetic); the older meaning was 坐 ‘sit’ (HDZ), distinct from later 虚坐 (lit. ‘false sit’) ‘squat/crouch’.
Compare: 臀 tún ‘buttocks’ (臀部).
HDZ: 蹲 : dūn : 居: 坐; 虚坐: 两腿弯曲如坐, 而臀部不着地; 呆着; (书法) 用笔的轻顿; 控制或延缓植物生长 • cún : 壿 (“蹲蹲”,舞貌; 士舞); (方言) 腿、脚猛然落地受伤 (蹲了腿) • cǔn : 聚集, 迭合 (叠合) • cuán : 蹲𧿙=躦𧿙: 聚足 • qǔn : 蹲循: 缓意, 却退
#rK.GSR430n D.6.3741.7 M.6576 G.118.12 KX..1233.32 B.435.1.05
#rK.GSR430n D.6.3741.7 M.6576 G.118.12 KX..1233.32 B.435.1.05
#y chyuhn\ deun\
#y chyuhn\ deun\

Latest revision as of 01:06, 29 March 2017

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