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<WL>卯 [mǎo] (地支) fourth Earthly Branch; mortise
<WL>卯 [mǎo] (地支) fourth Earthly Branch; mortise (of a tenon); (星宿名) 昴 Pleiades@@; (HDZ:) (地支) 第四位; (五行) 木; (生肖) 兔; (旧) 卯时 (卯簿, 卯册); …; (姓)
“The incision made when slaughtering an animal” —王宏源.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 卯(􂥱戼) mǎo ‘(4th Earthly Branch)’ is an old graph of uncertain origin, cf. 丣(􂦂𫝁􂦁酉), 昴(􁈼𣆻) mǎo ‘Pleiades’; a variant writing 𩇨(􂥲) mǎo is not to be confused with 兆(􀣬􀋶𠔁) zhào ‘omen’.
In the Shang dynasty, 卯 mǎo meant to kill an animal as a sacrifice. That meaning disappeared. The character was later explained as depicting doors.
“The incision made when slaughtering an animal” —王宏源. (In the Shang dynasty, 卯 mǎo was a method of animal sacrifice; cf. HDZ.)
卯 (sometimes altered to ) is phonetic in 贸 mào, 昴 Mǎo, 留 liú, 柳 liǔ, 聊 liáo, etc. The alternation between m- and l- is unusual; Karlgren(1940) reconstructed the pronunciation of 卯 as *mlog. 劉() Liú originally meant ‘kill’, and 劉 contains 卯 mǎo as a component; possibly the two words are cognate.
卯(􂥱戼) mao and 丣(􂦂􂦁酉) yǒu are sometimes confused as phonetic: /貿(􁄸𧶻) mào, 昴(􁈼𣆻) Mǎo, 留(􂛦畱) liú, 柳(􀽍桺) liǔ, 聊(􂃺𦕼) liáo, etc.; Karlgren(1940) reconstructed the pronunciation of 卯 as *mlog; cf. 刘/劉(􂟲) liú ‘kill’.
Compare 卬 áng and 印 yìn.
Compare: 卬 áng, 印 yìn.
HDZ: 卯 : mǎo : (地支) 第四位; (五行) 木; (生肖) 兔; (旧) (代称) 官署例定在卯时开始办公时进行点名报到等活动 (卯时, 卯簿, 卯册); (古) 造币场所开铸之期; (清) 催征钱粮、筹饷、收捐等的期限; (明) 一种儿童游戏中的专用书语; 木器上安笋/榫头的眼孔; (殷代) 杀: 用牲方式之一; (星宿名) 昴; (姓)
#rG.299.46 W.129d K.AD602,GS1114,GSR1114a WHY...87 D.1.311.5 M.4369 KX..159.05 B.018.0.05 E.1
#rG.299.46 W.129d K.AD602,GS1114,GSR1114a WHY...87 D.1.311.5 M.4369 KX..159.05 B.018.0.05 E.1

Revision as of 02:35, 19 February 2017

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