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1ps  m.p.
1ps  m.p.
rem@TB2002.11  Changed a.m. to m.p.
rem@TB2002.11  Changed a.m. to m.p.
11psx  indicating continued state or action
11psx  [en] indicating continued state or action
11psx  [fr] indique un état ou une action continu(e)
11ex  Tā zài zhèr ∼.
11ex  Tā zài zhèr ∼.
11hz  他在这儿∼。
11hz  他在这儿∼。
11tr  He's (still) here.
11tr  [en] He's (still) here.
12psx  marking questions about subject already mentioned
11tr  [fr] Il est (toujours) là.
12psx  [en] marking questions about subject already mentioned
12psx  [fr] pour poser une question sur un sujet déjà mentionné auparavant
12ex  Wǒ xìn. Nǐ ∼?
12ex  Wǒ xìn. Nǐ ∼?
12hz  我信。你∼?
12hz  我信。你∼?
12tr  I believe it. What about you?
12tr  [en] I believe it. What about you?
12tr  [fr] Je le crois. Et toi ?
13ex  Wèi shénme ∼?
13ex  Wèi shénme ∼?
13hz  为什么∼?
13hz  为什么∼?
13tr  Why is that?
13tr  [en] Why is that?
13tr  [fr] Pourquoi ça ?
2ps  m.p.
2ps  m.p.
21psx  indicating deliberate pause
21psx  [en] indicating deliberate pause
21psx  [fr] marque une pause délibérée
21ex  Wǒ ∼, wǒ bụ̀yào.
21ex  Wǒ ∼, wǒ bụ̀yào.
21hz  我∼, 我不要。
21hz  我∼, 我不要。
21tr  As for me, I don't want it.
21tr  [en] As for me, I don't want it.
22psx  indicating strong affirmation
21tr  [fr] Pareil pour moi, je n'ai pas envie.
22psx  [en] indicating strong affirmation
22psx  [fr] indique une forte affirmation
22ex  Guì de hěn, yào yī̠bǎi duō kuài ∼.
22ex  Guì de hěn, yào yī̠bǎi duō kuài ∼.
22hz  贵得很, 要一百多块∼。
22hz  贵得很, 要一百多块∼。
22tr  It's awfully expensive, over $100.
22tr  [en] It's awfully expensive, over $100.
23psx  inquiring about location
22tr  [fr] C'est horriblement cher, plus de cent dollars.
23psx  [en] inquiring about location
23psx  [fr] pour parler de l'emplacement / du lieu
23ex  Wǒ de shū ∼?
23ex  Wǒ de shū ∼?
23hz  我的书∼?
23hz  我的书∼?
23tr  Where is my book?
23tr  [en] Where is my book?
23tr  [fr] Où est mon livre ?
rem@TB2001.08  Added 23psx, 23ex (Yanyin note).
rem@TB2001.08  Added 23psx, 23ex (Yanyin note).
hh  ²ní [1009037553]
hh  ²ní [1009037553]
freq  1276.4 [XHPC:2307]</WL>
freq  1276.4 [XHPC:2307]

Latest revision as of 23:14, 17 December 2016

ne* {A} m.p.(indicating continued state or action)Tā zài zhèr ∼. 他在这儿∼。 He's (still) here.(marking questions about subject already mentioned)Wǒ xìn. Nǐ ∼? 我信。你∼? I believe it. What about you?Wèi shénme ∼? 为什么∼? Why is that?m.p.(indicating deliberate pause)Wǒ ∼, wǒ bụ̀yào. 我∼, 我不要。 As for me, I don't want it.(indicating strong affirmation)Guì de hěn, yào yī̠bǎi duō kuài ∼. 贵得很, 要一百多块∼。 It's awfully expensive, over $100.(inquiring about location)Wǒ de shū ∼? 我的书∼? Where is my book? See also ²ní
1276.4 [XHPC:2307] average occurrences per million characters of text
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URL: https://wenlin.co/wow/Ci:1008980808
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