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From Wenlin Dictionaries
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<WL>斐 [fěi] 斐然 fěirán brilliant (literature); 斐济 Fěijì Fiji @@[fēi]
<WL>斐 [fěi] colorful/elegant (五色相错, 文采); 斐然 fěirán brilliant (literature); 斐济 Fěijì Fiji@@; (古地名); (姓)  [fēi] (又读) ?
From 非 fēi phonetic and 文 (wén) ‘ornament; literature’.
From 非 fēi phonetic and 文 (wén) ‘ornament; literature’.
“Streaks, lines, graceful” —Wieger.
“Streaks, lines, graceful” —Wieger.
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#y fei/
#y fei/

Revision as of 21:57, 18 October 2016

斐 [To view this entry, please log in]

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