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ref  13344
ref  13344
ps  s.v.
ps  s.v.
df  arid; dry
df  [en] arid; dry
df  [fr] aride ; sec
ex@yy  Jīnnián běifāng ∼.
ex@yy  Jīnnián běifāng ∼.
hz  今年北方∼。
hz  今年北方∼。
tr  This year the drought has hit the country's north.
tr  [en] This year the drought has hit the country's north.
tr  [fr] Cette année la sécheresse a touché le nord du pays.
rem@TB2004.05  Changed draught to drought.
rem@TB2004.05  Changed draught to drought.
rem  tr This year the draught has hit the country's north.
rem  tr This year the draught has hit the country's north.
freq  11.6 [XHPC:21]</WL>
freq  11.6 [XHPC:21]

Latest revision as of 07:09, 27 September 2016

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URL: https://wenlin.co/wow/Ci:1003987830
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