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<WL>屯 [tún] (屯子) village; collect  [zhūn] ䷂ Difficult Beginning
<WL>屯 [tún] 屯子 village; 屯聚 collect/store@{; 聚集, 蓄积; 驻守; 兵营; 屯田; 屯子; 土山; 阻塞} [zhūn] (SW:) 難, “象艸木之初生”; 艰难, 危难; 吝惜; (易:) “刚柔始交而难生”
“...To sprout, grow; (hard soil:) hard... cultivation of land by soldiers, military tenure, military colonists; garrison, camp; village; assemble — a 屮 sprouting plant breaking through 一 the surface” —Karlgren.
“...To sprout, grow; (hard soil:) hard... cultivation of land by soldiers, military tenure, military colonists; garrison, camp; village; assemble — a 屮 sprouting plant breaking through 一 the surface” —Karlgren.
#rG.107.44,119.13 K.AD1144,GSR427a D.1.13.2 M.6592 KX..304.11 B.006.1.08
#rG.107.44,119.13 K.AD1144,GSR427a D.1.13.2 M.6592 KX..304.11 B.006.1.08
#y jeun\ tyuhn\</WL>
#y jeun\ tyuhn\

Revision as of 20:26, 18 January 2016

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