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From Wenlin Dictionaries
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<WL>攤(S摊) [tān] spread out; take a share in; vendor’s stall; ...  @@[nàn]
<WL>攤(S摊) [tān] 攤開 spread out; 攤子 vendor’s stall; 均攤 share equally@@ [nàn]
#y taan\
#y taan\
#rD.3.1989.4 M.6082 G.122.06,286.32,401.66 KX..464.19</WL>
#rD.3.1989.4 M.6082 G.122.06,286.32,401.66 KX..464.19

Revision as of 21:49, 24 November 2015

攤 [To view this entry, please log in]

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