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hz  安全佬會睇吓啲工人有冇著安全鞋,安全帽嗰啲嘢啦,俾人捉到正,可能要罰錢㗎
hz  安全佬會睇吓啲工人有冇著安全鞋,安全帽嗰啲嘢啦,俾人捉到正,可能要罰錢㗎
tr  The safety guy will check to see if the workers are wearing safety shoes, safety headgear and such stuff or not. Workers who get caught quite possibly will be fined
tr  The safety guy will check to see if the workers are wearing safety shoes, safety headgear and such stuff or not. Workers who get caught quite possibly will be fined
rem@ser  1000091759
ser  12915
ser  12915
ref  RSBfmInternet04062013</WL>
ref  RSBfmInternet04062013

Latest revision as of 20:08, 10 October 2023

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The ABC Cantonese-English Dictionary (namespace Jyut)
URL: https://wenlin.co/wow/Jyut:12915
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