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<WL>𣎳(=􁍾𣎵汖朩)(!􁃇𣎵) [pìn] 剥取枲茎之皮
<WL>𣎳(=􁍾𣎵汖朩)(!􁃇𣎵) [pìn] (SW: 分枲莖皮) 剥取枲茎之皮
The Shuōwén Seal form of 𣎳(􁍾) pìn ‘hemp stalk bark/fiber’ combines 屮(􀃿) chè ‘sprout’, and a shape like 八(􀋮) bā (as in 分) representing the peeling/stripping of the fibrous skin/bark from the hemp stalk/stem (in cord/rope making).
Compare: 麻(􁎄⿇) má ‘hemp’; 林(􁎁𣏟) pài ‘bundles of hemp’; 枲(􁍿) xǐ ‘(male) hemp (non-fruiting)’.
Note: SW distinguishes two very similar forms, as ⑴ 𣎵(􁃇) bèi, vs. ⑵ 𣎳(􁍾) pìn.
Compare: 𣎵(􁃇) bèi ‘sprouting/thriving plants’; 术(􁋬朮􁋫秫) shú ‘sorghum’.
#rD.2.1149.7 KX..509.02
#rD.2.1149.7 KX..509.02

Latest revision as of 00:44, 21 June 2019

𣎳 [To view this entry, please log in]

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