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<WL>贪(F貪) [tān] 贪污 corrupt; 贪心 greedy; 贪欲 avarice/rapacity
<WL>贪(F貪) [tān] greedy (贪婪); greed/avarice (贪心, 贪欲); 贪吃 gluttonous; 贪污 corruption/graft
The Shuōwén Seal form of 贪/貪(􁅃) tān ‘insatiable greed/desire’ (to get money/property, by hook or by crook) combines 贝/貝 (bèi) ‘cowrie money’, and 今(􀸵) jīn ‘now/present’ (phonosemantic): to want real money/etc. now!
The Shuōwén Seal form of 贪/貪(􁅃) tān ‘insatiable greed/desire’ (to get money/property, by hook or by crook) combines 贝/貝 (bèi) ‘cowrie money’, and 今(􀸵) jīn ‘now/present’ (phonosemantic): to want real money/etc. now!
Compare: 金(􂜬) jīn ‘metal; gold’; 含(􀍣) hán ‘hold/keep sth. in the mouth’.
Compare: 金(􂜬) jīn ‘metal; gold’; 含(􀍣) hán ‘hold/keep sth. in the mouth’.

Latest revision as of 20:51, 16 December 2019

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