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The simple-form character 师 (6 strokes) is an abbrev. of the full-form character 師 (10 strokes), replacing the left-side full-form component 𠂤 (6 strokes) with a shape like 刂 (2 strokes).
The simple-form character 师 (6 strokes) is an abbrev. of the full-form character 師 (10 strokes), replacing the left-side full-form component 𠂤 (6 strokes) with a shape like 刂 (2 strokes).
Note: In the simple form 师 the 2nd stroke of the left-side part is ㇓ (竖撇), not ㇚ (竖钩).
Note: In the simple form 师 the left-side component 刂󰀁 (2nd stroke is ㇓, not ㇚) is an abbrev. of 𠂤 (as in 帅/帥, 归/歸), not 刂/刀.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 师/師(􁃀) shī ‘military unit of 2,500 men; army’ combines 𠂤(􂢟) duī ‘mound/pile (of rocks); wall’, with 帀(􁂿) zā ‘(turn) round, circle (encircle)’; the component 帀(􁂿) indicates that a 𠂤(􂢟) wall fortifies/surrounds the military camp.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 师/師(􁃀) shī ‘military unit of 2,500 men; army’ combines 𠂤(􂢟) duī ‘mound/pile (of rocks); wall’, with 帀(􁂿) zā ‘(turn) round, circle (encircle)’; a mound/wall (earthwork) fortifies/surrounds the military camp.
Note: The component 𠂤(􂢟) is the old wr. of 垖/堆 duī ‘earthen/rock mound’; the component 帀(􁂿), old wr. of 匝, is the inverse of 之(􁂼𡳿) zhī ‘sprouting plant’: military/war as the opposite of farming/peace (destroying crops).
Note: The component 𠂤(􂢟) is the old wr. of 垖/堆 duī ‘earthen/rock mound’; the component 帀(􁂿), later wr. 匝, is the inverse of 之(􁂼𡳿) zhī ‘sprouting plant’: military/war, as the opposite of farming/peace (destroying crops); cf. ䷆ 師 ‘army’ (territorial war), ䷇ 比 ‘compete’ (friendly competition); ䷿ ‘chaos’, ䷾ ‘order’.
“[師] army, a multitude; ... The garrison 匝 all around the 𠂤 wall of the city?” —Karlgren(AD).
“[師] army, a multitude; ... The garrison 匝 all around the 𠂤 wall of the city?” —Karlgren(AD).
Compare: 帅(􁓯帥) shuài ‘commander’ (which has one less stroke in the modern form); 军/軍(􂡴𠣞) jūn ‘army’ (the modern word for ‘army’).
Compare: 帅(􁓯帥) shuài ‘commander’, formerly wr. 率(􂔖); 军/軍(􂡴𠣞) jūn ‘army’ (军师).
Note: The hexagram of this name ䷆ 師 puts ☵ ‘blood’ in the ☷ ‘ground’ (a bloody land battle); it is the inverse of ䷇ 比 Bǐ (compare/rival).
Note: The hexagram of this name ䷆ 師 puts ☵ ‘blood’ in the ☷ ‘ground’ (a bloody land battle); it is the inverse of ䷇ 比 Bǐ (compare/rival).
#rW.86b K.AD893 D.1.29.4,1.730.7 B.026.1.04 E.0
#rW.86b K.AD893 D.1.29.4,1.730.7 B.026.1.04 E.0

Latest revision as of 01:52, 9 August 2019

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