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<WL>契 [qì] 契约 contract/deed; 地契 land deed; 契文 OBI; 契丹 Khitan; 斐波那契 Fibonacci  [qiè] 契阔 long apart@@; (HDZ:) …  [xiè] (传说) 偰; 楔; 奊  [jié] 戏  [xǐ] 奊
<WL>契 [qì] 契约 contract/deed; 地契 land deed; 契文 OBI; 契丹 Khitan; 斐波那契 Fibonacci  [qiè] 契阔 long apart@@; (HDZ:) …  [xiè] (传说) 偰; 楔; 奊  [jié] 戏  [xǐ] 奊
The Shuōwén Seal form of 契(􁰛) qì ‘(agreed upon and recorded terms of a) treaty/contract’ (契约) combines 㓞(􀰟) qià/qì ‘notch/carve/inscribe’ (phonosemantic), and 大 dà ‘big/great/major’ (as in 大约剂 ‘major treaty’, such as might have been drafted/recorded by ministers, and inscribed/memorialized upon a bronze vessel to be kept in the ancestral shrine).
The Shuōwén Seal form of 契(􁰛) qì ‘(agreed upon and recorded terms of a) treaty/contract’ (契约) combines 㓞(􀰟) qià/qì ‘notch/carve/inscribe’ (phonosemantic), and 大 dà ‘big/great/major’ (as in 大约剂 ‘major treaty’, such as might have been drafted/recorded by ministers, and inscribed/memorialized upon a bronze vessel to be kept in the ancestral shrine).
Note: 契(􁰛) is said to be cognate with 栔(􀰡) qì, 㓞(􀰟) qià/qì, 丯(􀰢) jiè ‘notched tally-stick’ (now written like 丰 fēng), and also with 割(􀯻) gē ‘cut’; 契 is also the name of the old tool used in OBI times to drill holes in turtle shells for firing/divination; 契 also writes the name 偰 Xiè of the first 殷/商 ancestor, and 楔 xiè ‘wedge’ (楔子) in old texts.
Note: 契(􁰛) is also assoc. with 栔(􀰡) qì, formerly wr. 㓞(􀰟) qià/qì, 丯(􀰢) jiè ‘notched tally-stick’ (now wr. like 丰); cf. 割(􀯻) gē ‘cut’; also ‘drill/tool’ used in OBI times to make holes in turtle shells for firing/divination; 楔 xiè ‘wedge’ (楔子); also /偰 Xiè (name of the first 殷/商 ancestor).
Compare: 楔(􀿰) xiē/xiè ‘wedge; drive a wedge’, formerly wr. 契 (big/thick below, carved/pared/tapered above); 尖 jiān ‘point/tip’ (smaller on one end, bigger on the other, tapering to a point).
Compare: 楔(􀿰) xiē/xiè ‘wedge; drive a wedge’, formerly wr. 契 (big/thick below, carved/pared/tapered above); 尖 jiān ‘point/tip’ (smaller on one end, bigger on the other, tapering to a point).
“Notch stick, tally; covenant, deed; adopted” —Karlgren(AD).
“[契] Notch stick, tally; covenant, deed; adopted” —Karlgren(AD).
Compare: 戛(􂍐) jiá ← MC /ket/; 楔(􀿰) xiē/xiè ← MC /ket/; 契(􁰛) qì/qiè ← MC /khis/khjət/khit/ (SBGY).
Compare: 戛(􂍐) jiá ← MC /ket/; 楔(􀿰) xiē/xiè ← MC /ket/; 契(􁰛) qì/qiè ← MC /khis/khjət/khit/ (SBGY).
HDZ: 契 : qì : 券证 (契据, 契约文书, 契券), 文券 (文契, 契约), (DYC:) 大約劑, 書於宗彝 (约剂: (古) 凭据的文书、契券); 兵符; 约: 盟约, 要约; 合, 切合, 投合; 感情志趣投合的朋友; 体会, 领悟; (水名); 刻; (古) 龟卜用以钻凿龟甲的工具 (契龜之鑿); 割断; (古) (族名) 契丹 (去訖切) • xiè : (传说) 偰 (商族的祖先名); 楔: 木楔子 (批契, 契繫/繼); 奊 (xǐ): 诟辱 (辱骂); (姓) • qiè : 契闊 (勤苦; 久别; 以死生相约) (cf. 切); (犬名) 猰; 挈: 取, 持 • jié : 戏
HDZ: 契 : qì : 券证 (契据, 契约文书, 契券), 文券 (文契, 契约), (DYC:) 大約劑, 書於宗彝 (约剂: (古) 凭据的文书、契券); 兵符; 约: 盟约, 要约; 合, 切合, 投合; 感情志趣投合的朋友; 体会, 领悟; (水名); 刻; (古) 龟卜用以钻凿龟甲的工具 (契龜之鑿); 割断; (古) (族名) 契丹 (去訖切) • xiè : (传说) 偰 (商族的祖先名); 楔: 木楔子 (批契, 契繫/繼); 奊 (xǐ): 诟辱 (辱骂); (姓) • qiè : 契闊 (勤苦; 久别; 以死生相约) (cf. 切); (犬名) 猰; 挈: 取, 持 • jié : 戏

Revision as of 04:00, 9 June 2019

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