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The Shuōwén Seal form of 念(􁲔) niàn ‘keep/bear in mind (now/again/often), think about/over (reflect on)’ combines 心 (xīn) ‘heart/feeling’ (mind), and 今(􀸵) jīn ‘now/present’ (phonosemantic).
The Shuōwén Seal form of 念(􁲔) niàn ‘keep/bear in mind (now/again/often), think about/over (reflect on)’ combines 心 (xīn) ‘heart/feeling’ (mind), and 今(􀸵) jīn ‘now/present’ (phonosemantic).
Compare: 谂/諗(􀙨) shěn ‘advise/admonish’.
Compare: 含(􀍣) hán ‘hold/keep sth. in the mouth’; 饮/飲(􁟤𣲎􁟣𨡳) yǐn ‘drink in’.
Compare: 含(􀍣) hán ‘hold/keep sth. in the mouth’; 饮/飲(􁟤𣲎􁟣𨡳) yǐn ‘drink in’.
Compare: 吟(􀏗) yín ‘chant/intone’; 唸(􀏓) diàn ‘moan/groan (in distress)’, later 唸 niàn ‘read aloud’, formerly wr. 念(􁲔).
Compare: 吟(􀏗) yín ‘chant/intone’; 唸(􀏓) diàn ‘moan/groan (in distress)’, later 唸 niàn ‘read aloud’, formerly wr. 念(􁲔).

Latest revision as of 05:40, 19 February 2019

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