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<WL>豆 [dòu] bean; 豆腐 dòufu tofu; 大豆 soybean; 豌豆 pea; 土豆 potato
<WL>豆 [dòu] bean; 大豆 soybean; 豌豆 pea; 豆芽 bean sprout; 豆腐 tofu; 豆浆 soymilk; 土豆 potato@@; (HDZ:) (古) 食器 …
The Shuōwén Seal form of 豆(􀵠) dòu ‘covered ritual/food vessel’ is said to depict a kind of lidded stone/ceramic/bronze dish/bowl on a raised base (高足盘), used to serve food and present ritual offerings; the top line 一 represents the (handle of the) lid, the 囗(􁃰) shape is the mouth/body of the vessel, and the bottom is the base/foot, cf. 丌(􀴀); formerly wr. 𤽋(􀵡), which is a component of the old writing of 豐(􀵩􀵪𣍈) fēng ‘abundance’; in SW 豆(􀵠) dòu is equated with 皿(􀶏) mǐn ‘bowl/dish’ (the vessels have a similar base/foot); cf. 血(􀶰) xuè/xiě/xuě ‘blood’ (in which the line 一 depicts the contents, not the lid).
The Shuōwén Seal form of 豆(􀵠) dòu ‘covered ritual/food vessel’ is said to depict a kind of lidded stone/ceramic/bronze dish/bowl on a raised base (高足盘), used to serve food and present ritual offerings; the top line 一 represents the (handle of the) lid, the 囗(􁃰) shape is the mouth/body of the vessel, and the bottom is the base/foot, cf. 丌(􀴀); formerly wr. 𤽋(􀵡), which is a component of the old writing of 豐(􀵩􀵪𣍈) fēng ‘abundance’; in SW 豆(􀵠) dòu is equated with 皿(􀶏) mǐn ‘bowl/dish’ (the vessels have a similar base/foot); cf. 血(􀶰) xuè/xiě/xuě ‘blood’ (in which the line 一 depicts the contents, not the lid).

Latest revision as of 00:07, 4 September 2018

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