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<WL>雍 [yōng] (鸟名) wagtail (Motacilla); harmonious (雍和); friendly (雍睦/穆); obstruct (壅)@@; (HDZ:) (鸟名) 雍渠; …
<WL>雍 [yōng] (鸟名) wagtail (Motacilla); harmonious (雍和); friendly (雍睦/穆); obstruct (壅)@@; (HDZ:) (鸟名) 雍渠; …
The Shuōwén Seal form of 雍(􀧔雝) yōng ‘wagtail’ (bird) combines 隹 (zhuī) ‘short-tailed bird’, and 邕(􁾞) yōng ‘city moat’ (phonosemantic); an aquatic bird of the city moat.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 雍(􀧔雝) yōng ‘wagtail’ (bird) combines 隹 (zhuī) ‘short-tailed bird’, and 邕(􁾞) yōng ‘city moat’ (phonosemantic); an aquatic bird of the city moat/sewer.
Note: 脊令=鹡鸰 ‘wagtail’ (Motacilla), symbol of brotherly love; 黄头鹡鸰 (Motacilla citreola citreola), 黄鹡鸰 (Motacilla flava).
Note: 脊令=鹡鸰 ‘wagtail’ (Motacilla), symbol of brotherly love; 黄头鹡鸰 (Motacilla citreola citreola), 黄鹡鸰 (Motacilla flava).
The modern form 雍 is an abbrev. of the old form 雝(􀧔), substituting 亠 over 乡 for 邕, with 亠 stretching over 隹.
The modern form 雍 is an abbrev. of the old form 雝(􀧔), substituting 亠 over 乡 for 邕, with 亠 stretching over 隹.

Revision as of 00:41, 20 June 2018

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