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The character 溶(􁹾) róng ‘water flow’ (溶溶) combines 氵(水 shuǐ) ‘water’, and 容(􁏄) róng ‘contain/capacity’ (phonosemantic): water flowing down through a ravine/channel.
The character 溶(􁹾) róng ‘water flow’ (溶溶) combines 氵(水 shuǐ) ‘water’, and 容(􁏄) róng ‘contain/capacity’ (phonosemantic): water flowing down through a ravine/channel.
“Water flowing full and gently between its bands” —Mathews.
“Water flowing full and gently between its bands” —Mathews.
Compare: 溶(􁹾) róng ‘water flow; dissolve’ (溶化); 熔 róng ‘fuse/melt (metal/etc)’ (熔化); 融 róng ‘melt/thaw (ice)’ (融化).
Compare: 溶(􁹾) róng ‘water flow; dissolve’ (溶化); 熔 róng ‘fuse/melt (metal/etc.)’ (熔化); 融 róng ‘melt/thaw (ice)’ (融化).
HDZ: 溶 : róng : 水盛貌; 盛大; 安流貌; 安闲; 融化, 溶解, 融合 (cf. 鎔, 熔); 动, 摇动; 容: 容颜, 容貌; (水名)
HDZ: 溶 : róng : 水盛貌; 盛大; 安流貌; 安闲; 融化, 溶解, 融合 (cf. 鎔, 熔); 动, 摇动; 容: 容颜, 容貌; (水名)
HDC: 溶溶 : 水流盛大貌; 宽广貌; 盛多貌; 明净洁白貌; 和暖; 缓慢
HDC: 溶溶 : 水流盛大貌; 宽广貌; 盛多貌; 明净洁白貌; 和暖; 缓慢

Revision as of 23:55, 3 September 2018

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