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<WL>泳 [yǒng] 游泳 yóuyǒng swim@@; (HDZ:) 潜行水中; 在水中或水上浮行
<WL>泳 [yǒng] swim (游泳 yóuyǒng); 游泳池 swimming pool; 游泳衣 swimsuit; 仰泳 backstroke@@; (HDZ:) 潜行水中; 在水中或水上浮行
The character 泳(􁻝) yǒng ‘swim’ combines 氵(水 shuǐ) ‘water’, and 永(􁾩) yǒng (phonosemantic).
The Shuōwén Seal form of 泳(􁻝) yǒng ‘swim’ combines 氵(水 shuǐ) ‘water’ (river), and 永(􁾩) yǒng (phonosemantic); formerly wr. 永.
Note: The phonetic 永 yǒng is said to be the old writing of 泳 yǒng ‘swim’; cf. 永.
Note: The phonetic component 永 yǒng is said to be the old wr. of 泳 yǒng ‘swim’; cf. 永.
Older graphs associated with 永(􁾩) are said to depict a 人(􁕎) rén ‘person’ (within the banks of a river) swimming, and are assoc. with later 泳(􁻝) yǒng ‘swim’ (游泳).
Compare: 𠂢(􁾫) pài ‘tributary’, vs. 永(􁾩) yǒng ‘distributary’.
Compare: 饮/飲/㱃(􁟣𨡳) yǐn ‘drink’, formerly wr. 𣲎(􁟤), in which the upper component suggests a 人(􁕎) rén ‘person’ stooping down to drink.
#rK.GSR764j D.3.1595.5 M.7590 G.429.33 KX..619.02 B.092.1.09 E.1
#rK.GSR764j D.3.1595.5 M.7590 G.429.33 KX..619.02 B.092.1.09 E.1

Latest revision as of 23:55, 3 September 2018

泳 [To view this entry, please log in]

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