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<WL>功 [gōng] 功绩 gōngjì contribution/achievement, 功业 exploits/successes; 成功 succeed/success; 功力 skill; 功/工夫 work/effort (功夫 ‘martial arts’)
<WL>功 [gōng] 功绩 contribution/achievement, 功业 exploits/successes; 成功 succeed/success; 功力 skill; 功/工夫 work/effort (功夫 ‘martial arts’)@@; (HDZ:) …  [gòng] cf. 貢
The character 功(􂛻) gōng ‘achievement’ combines 工(􀴍) gōng ‘work’ (phonosemantic), and 力 (lì) ‘strength’.
The character 功(􂛻) gōng ‘contribution/achievement’ combines 工(􀴍) gōng ‘work’ (phonosemantic), and 力 (lì) ‘strength’.
“Work done, achievement; meritorious deed, merit; effort — etymologically the same word as 工; character enlarged by 力” —Karlgren.
Compare: 贡/貢(􁄝) gòng ‘offer tribute, contribute’; 攻(􀣊) gōng ‘attack’; 弓(􂏄) gōng ‘(archery) bow’.
Compare: 攻(􀣊) gōng ‘attack’; 弓 gōng ‘(archery) bow’; 贡(􁄝貢) gòng ‘tribute’.
Note: SW glosses 贡/貢 gòng (v.) with 獻功 ‘make a contribution, offer tribute’, using 功 gōng (n.); it seems that the old n./v. (贝/力) distinction was reversed at some point, formerly /貢 (n.), vs. 功 (v.); cf. 功/貢 (v.) gòng (HDZ).
Note: 功/工夫 gōngfu ‘work/labor/effort’ (usually wr. 工夫), but 功夫 gōngfu ‘martial arts’.
Note: 功/工夫 gōngfu ‘work/labor/effort’ (usually wr. 工夫), but 功夫 gōngfu ‘martial arts’.
“[功] Work done, achievement; meritorious deed, merit; effort — etymologically the same word as 工; character enlarged by 力” —Karlgren(AD).
HDZ: 功 : gōng : 功绩, 功业 (丰功伟绩, 歌功颂德); 事功, 工作 (农功, 土功); 成效, 功效, 成功 (急功近利, 事半功倍, 徒劳无功); 工夫, 功力 (用功, 练功, 基本功); (物理学) (做功: 用力使物体移动); 坚牢, 精美; (古) 丧服 (大功, 小功); 攻 (攻打; 治理); 公: 公开; 貢 (gòng): 贡献; (姓)
HDZ: 功 : gōng : 功绩, 功业 (丰功伟绩, 歌功颂德); 事功, 工作 (农功, 土功); 成效, 功效, 成功 (急功近利, 事半功倍, 徒劳无功); 工夫, 功力 (用功, 练功, 基本功); (物理学) (做功: 用力使物体移动); 坚牢, 精美; (古) 丧服 (大功, 小功); 攻 (攻打; 治理); 公: 公开; 貢 (gòng): 贡献; (姓)
HDC: 獻功 : 献上功绩, 报功; 在冬祭时奉献谷、帛等
HDC: 報功 : 酬报有功者, 报答功德; 陈述功绩
HDC: 功績 : 功业与劳绩
HDC: 功業 : 功勋事业; 士农工商所从事的事业或工作; 工作的成绩、成果
HDC: 國功 : 为保卫国家而建立的功绩
HDC: 國功 : 为保卫国家而建立的功绩
#rG.029.01 K.AD469,GSR1172d D.1.365.8 M.3698 KX..146.11 B.012.1.04 E.1
#rG.029.01 K.AD469,GSR1172d D.1.365.8 M.3698 KX..146.11 B.012.1.04 E.1

Revision as of 01:11, 20 December 2018

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