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<WL>乏 [fá] 缺乏 lack, be short of, deficient; 贫乏 poor; 疲乏 tired/weary, 乏力 fatigue
<WL>乏 [fá] 缺乏 lack, be short of, deficient; 贫乏 poor; 疲乏 tired/weary, 乏力 fatigue
The Shuōwén Seal form of 乏(􀒀𣥄) fá ‘askew’ is the mirror image of 正(􀑽) zhèng ‘right/correct’ (flipped horizontally).
The Shuōwén Seal form of 乏(􀒀𣥄) fá ‘askew; lack/deficient’ is the mirror image of 正(􀑽) zhèng ‘right/correct’ (flipped horizontally).
Compare: 窆(􁐪) biǎn ‘bury (a coffin)’ (with 乏 phonetic); 贬/貶(􁅄𧴷) biǎn ‘reduce/decrease’.
“The inversion means that one did not 止 reach the 一 line, the point where one had to reach; a defect, to be in want of, exhausted. The modern character is a fanciful abbreviation that has nothing in common with 之 zhī” —Wieger.
“The inversion means that one did not 止 reach the 一 line, the point where one had to reach; a defect, to be in want of, exhausted. The modern character is a fanciful abbreviation that has nothing in common with 之 zhī” —Wieger.
Compare: 窆(􁐪) biǎn ‘bury (a coffin)’ (with 乏 phonetic).
HDZ: 乏 : fá : 不正; 缺少, 匮乏 (cf. 覂); 疲倦; 荒废; 不中用, 无能; (古) 容: 射礼唱靶者用以避箭的器具, 其形略似屏风, 以皮革制成; (方言) (量词); 犯 (fàn)
HDZ: 乏 : fá : 不正; 缺少, 匮乏 (cf. 覂); 疲倦; 荒废; 不中用, 无能; (古) 容: 射礼唱靶者用以避箭的器具, 其形略似屏风, 以皮革制成; (方言) (量词); 犯 (fàn)
#rG.546.18 W.112k K.AD15,GSR641a D.1.34.3 M.1761 KX..82.10 B.009.0.08 WHY...160 E.1
#rG.546.18 W.112k K.AD15,GSR641a D.1.34.3 M.1761 KX..82.10 B.009.0.08 WHY...160 E.1

Revision as of 00:11, 20 June 2018

乏 [To view this entry, please log in]

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