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<WL>斜 [xié] slanting (倾斜 ‘tilt/slope’, 斜坡 ‘slope’); 斜边 hypoteneuse; 斜率 slope@@  [xiá] (旧读)  [chá] 伊稚/穉斜  [yé] (山谷名)
<WL>斜 [xié] slanting (倾斜 ‘tilt/slope’, 斜坡 ‘slope’); (数学) 斜率 slope; 斜边 hypoteneuse@@; (HDZ:) 舀出, 倾出; … [xiá] (旧读)  [chá] 伊稚/穉斜  [yé] (山谷名)
From 余 yú phonetic and 斗 (dǒu) ‘measure’.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 斜(􂠥) xiá/xié ‘ladle/scoop out’ combines 斗 (dǒu) ‘dipper’, and (􀋹) ‘surplus’ (phonosemantic).
Compare: 余/餘(􀸙) yú ‘surplus, left-over’.
Compare: 邪(􁛪衺) xié ‘perverse/treacherous’; 邪(􁇥) yá ‘(prefecture name).
HDZ: 斜 : xié (旧读 xiá) : 舀出, 倾出; 不正, 偏侧 (斜面, 斜坡); 倾侧放置; 向偏离正中或正前方的方向移动; 散; 邪: (邪气; 邪魔); (量词) 个, 套; (姓) • chá : (汉)(匈奴单于名) 伊稚/穉斜 • yé : (山谷名)
#rG.165.12,168.44 K.AD1322 D.3.2253.9 M.2624 KX..478.15 B.199.1.07
#rG.165.12,168.44 K.AD1322 D.3.2253.9 M.2624 KX..478.15 B.199.1.07
#y cheh\
#y cheh\

Revision as of 03:05, 8 April 2018

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