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<WL>綠(S绿) [lǜ] 綠色 lǜsè green color (象草和树叶壮盛时的颜色; 青黄色)  [lù] 籙: 符录: 帝王受命的符录; 菉: 菉草: 王刍: 荩草
<WL>綠(S绿) [lǜ] 綠色 lǜsè green color (象草和树叶壮盛时的颜色; 青黄色)  [lù] 籙: 符录: 帝王受命的符录; 菉: 菉草: 王刍: 荩草
HDZ defines 綠 as the color of fresh grass or tree leaves, a produced by mixing blue (蓝) and yellow (黄); an old name for this color was “青黄色”; in old texts 綠 also refers to a raven-black color (乌黑色).
Note that Unicode encodes two Full forms 緑/綠: 緑 is the so-called “PRC Full” form (the glyph matches HDZ, HDC), while is from ROC (Big5). Like many other duplicates (encoded separately due to Source Separation; they are separate in CNS, EACC, etc.), these should have been unified in the encoding.
The color 綠 is defined as the color of fresh grass or tree leaves, as produced by mixing blue (蓝) and yellow (黄); an old name for this color was “青黄色”; in old texts 綠 also refers to raven-black colored hair (乌黑色).
HDZ: 緑: lǜ : 象草和树叶壮盛时的颜色; 青黄色; 绿叶; 乌黑色(鬒发) • lù 籙: 符录: 帝王受命的符录; 菉: 菉草: 王刍: 荩草

Revision as of 01:59, 22 January 2017

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