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<WL>彐 [jì] (radical 58, 彐部, 寻字头 xúnzìtóu ‘pig head’); (component: 寻尋帚归当…)
<WL>彐 [jì] (古) 猪头 pig's head/snout (cf. 彑); (radical 58, 彐部, 寻字头); (component: 寻尋帚归当…)
Picture of a pig’s head. Also written 彑 or .
Picture of a pig’s head; in old forms written 彑(􁧻), it is the top of various pig-related characters: 㣇𧰲𢑓彖彝𦇚…; in some characters such as 帚(􁔣)it is a variant of 又(􀠋) ‘hand’.
#rG.379.15 W.68a K.AD321 D.2.960.9 M.450 KX..362.04
#rG.379.15 W.68a K.AD321 D.2.960.9 M.450 KX..362.04
#y gai-
#y gai-

Revision as of 01:58, 10 December 2016

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