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<WL>夷 [yí] () smooth; wipe out, raze; (卦名) ䷣ 明夷
<WL>夷 [yí] (古) (族名); (蔑称) 蛮夷 barbarians/foreigners; 夷平 level (夷为平地 ‘raze’); 芟夷/荑 mow; 夷灭 massacre; bury; (卦名) ䷣ 明夷; (姓); 夏威夷 Hawai'i
From 大 () ‘big’ and 弓 (gōng) ‘bow’.
The character 夷(􁰜) superimposes gōng ‘bow’ over 大 dà ‘big man’. It was the name of ancient eastern tribes (cf. 彝族).
“Barbarian, foreigner — 大 a man 弓 with a bow” —Karlgren.
“Barbarian, foreigner — 大 a man 弓 with a bow” —Karlgren.
Many of the various derived meanings (massacre, raze, bury) seem to reflect the state of ancient international relations (war/conflict with barbarians/foreigners).
In the hexagram ䷣ named 明夷 míngyí the sun (☲) is at midnight, buried under the earth (☷); cf. ䷢ 晉 jìn, the sun at noon.
HDZ: 夷 yí : (古) (族名); (蔑称) 蛮夷; 平坦 (ant. 险); 使之平; 平均; 除草 (芟荑/夷, 芟刈), 平地工具; 剷草; 铲平; 消灭, 除去; 封闭; 经常, 常法, 常道; 蹲踞, 傲慢; 明; 敬; 無/蕪夷: 山榆荚; (道家) 哲学概念, 无色无形不可捉摸; 侇: 安放(尸体; cf. 𡰥); 恞: 愉快; 痍: 受伤, 创伤; 儕: 同辈, 同类; (器名) 彝: 彝器; 荑: 初生的茅草 (柔荑); (助词); (古国名); (古地名); (山名); (河名); (姓)
#rG.051.13 K.AD186,GSR551a D.1.527.5 M.2982 KX..249.15 B.026.0.03 WHY...152 E.1
#rG.051.13 K.AD186,GSR551a D.1.527.5 M.2982 KX..249.15 B.026.0.03 WHY...152 E.1
#y yih\
#y yih\

Revision as of 20:04, 14 December 2016

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