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<WL>碎 [suì] 粉碎 smash to pieces
<WL>碎 [suì] broken/smashed; smash to bits/pieces, shatter, crush (粉碎)@@; (HDZ:) 破碎, 完整的东西破裂成零片零块; 使破碎 (碎石机); …
From 石 (shí) ‘stone’ and 卒 zú (‘soldier’) phonetic.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 碎(􁦽) suì ‘broken/smashed’ (bits of rock, or smashed with a rock) combines 石 (shí) ‘stone’, and 卒(􁛸䘚) ‘soldier’ (phonosemantic); formerly also wr. 𤭢(􂏂).
Compare 醉 zuì ‘drunk’ (smashed).
Compare: (􂦰) zuì ‘drunk’ (smashed); 捽(􂅰) zuó ‘grab by the hair’; 𬺋/𪘧(􀕲) zú ‘chew’.
HDZ: 碎 : suì : 破碎, 完整的东西破裂成零片零块; 使破碎 (碎石机); 零星, 不完整 (碎布, 碎屑, 碎米); 烦杂, 琐细; 说话絮叨, 啰嗦; 衰弱, 疲萎; 萃 (cuì): 聚集, 行列; 啐 (cuì)
#rG.389.10 K.AD1105,GSR490n D.4.2439.9 M.5528 KX..832.05 B.263.0.03
#rG.389.10 K.AD1105,GSR490n D.4.2439.9 M.5528 KX..832.05 B.263.0.03
#y seui-
#y seui-

Revision as of 21:54, 24 March 2018

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