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<WL>冶 [yě] smelt (metal); 冶金 metallurgy; 冶炼 smelt; 锻冶 forge/smelt@@; 古冶金术 alchemy
<WL>冶 [yě] smelt metal (冶炼); 冶金 metallurgy; 锻冶 forge/smelt; 古冶金术 alchemy@@; (HDZ:) 熔炼金属; 铸造工; …
From 冫(冰 bīng) ‘ice’ and 台 tái (phonetic).
The Shuōwén Seal form of 冶(􁿅) yě ‘smelt (metal)’ combines 冫(冰 bīng) ‘ice’, and 台(􀎟) tái (phonetic).
Shuōwén says 台 is the phonetic in 冶, as in 治 and many other characters.
Compare: 治(􁸎) zhì ‘rule/govern’.
HDZ: : yě : 熔炼金属; 铸造工; 熔炉; 熔炼金属或铸造金属器物的场所; 艳丽, 妖媚; 野; (姓)
#rG.307.41 K.AD184,GSR976p' D.1.296.7 M.7313 KX..131.31 B.057.1.04 WHY...107 E.1
#rG.307.41 K.AD184,GSR976p' D.1.296.7 M.7313 KX..131.31 B.057.1.04 WHY...107 E.1
#y yeh/
#y yeh/

Latest revision as of 22:55, 14 February 2018

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