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<WL>𧶠(=􁅍𧷷𧸇𧷏𧷨賣)(!􁃄𧷵𧷓賣􁄽𧷞𧷮𧶜) [yù] , 走著叫賣; 賣弄
<WL>𧶠(=􁅍𧷷𧸇𧷏𧷨賣)(!􁃄𧷵𧷓賣S卖􁄽𧷞𧷮𧶜) [yù] sell/hawk (wares, crying out); display, show off, flaunt@@; (HDZ:) 卖, 走着叫卖; 卖弄, 炫耀
The Shuōwén Seal form of 𧶠(􁅍𧸇) yù ‘sell/hawk (wares)’ combines 貝 ‘cowrie/money’, and 𡐑(􀤾) mù ‘friendly eyes/relations’ (phonetic); the phonetic is a variant of 睦(􀤽).
Compare: 读(􀘵讀) dú ‘recite/read (aloud)’, 赎(􁄹𧹎贖) shú ‘ransom/redeem’; 儥(􁗛) yù (𧶠), dí (觌, 见).
Phonetic: 藚犢𨙜讀讟韇殰櫝𧹎𤘄𥩐儥𧟎黷𤄴嬻匵續𨽤豄.
#rD.6.3645.8 KX..1209.32 E.1
#rD.6.3645.8 KX..1209.32 E.1

Revision as of 01:45, 11 May 2017

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