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<WL>賜(S赐) [cì] (賜予/與) give, grant; gift (from superior to inferior)
<WL>賜(S赐) [cì] (賜予/與) give, grant; gift/reward/favor/title (conferred by a superior upon a subordinate)
HDZ: 賜 : cì : 给予 (cf. 納錫: 入贡; (DYC:) (轉注) 賚, 貢, 錫, 畀, 予, 況/貺, 賜); 上予下; (敬词); 给与/予人的恩惠或财物; 尽 (cf. 儩 sì); (姓)
#rK.GSR850t D.6.3648.2 M.6988 G.346.35 KX..1209.15 E.1
#rK.GSR850t D.6.3648.2 M.6988 G.346.35 KX..1209.15 E.1

Revision as of 22:02, 2 April 2017

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