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<WL>虹 [hóng] (彩虹 cǎihóng) rainbow  [jiàng] (俗: 出虹) rainbow@@  [hòng] 虹洞, 相連  [gòng] (古縣名)
<WL>虹 [hóng] 彩虹 cǎihóng rainbow  [jiàng] (俗) 出虹 show a rainbow@@  [hòng] 虹洞, 相連  [gòng] (古縣名)
From 虫 (chóng) ‘worm’ and 工 gōng phonetic. The oracle script was a two-headed sky dragon/serpent, now represented by 虫. Rainbows are associated with dragons.
From 虫 (chóng) ‘worm’ and 工 gōng phonetic. The oracle script was a two-headed sky dragon/serpent, now represented by 虫. Rainbows are associated with dragons.
The pronunciation jiàng is colloquial, and occurs only as a single-syllable word.
The pronunciation jiàng is colloquial, and occurs only as a single-syllable word.

Revision as of 23:03, 25 November 2016

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