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<WL>灾(F災) [zāi] (灾难 zāinàn, 灾害 zāihài) disaster
<WL>灾(F災) [zāi] (灾难 zāinàn, 灾害 zāihài) disaster@@; (HDZ:) cf. 𤈮/災
The bottom is 火 (huǒ) ‘fire’.
The character 灾(􁮕) zāi ‘disaster’ combines 宀 (mián) ‘roof/house’, and 火 (huǒ) ‘fire’; it is an old variant of 𤈮(􁮔􁮖災􁮗𤆎).
The top is 宀 (mián) ‘roof’, meaning a house on fire; or 巛 (川 chuān) ‘river’, meaning floods and fires.
The full-form character 災(􁮖) has 𡿧(􁾠) zāi ‘flood/disaster’ above, sometimes abbrev. 巛(川 chuān) ‘river’.
Note: Unicode unified in 災[U+707D] the two forms distinguished by 𡿧/巛.
Compare: 甾(􀉟); 菑(􀉞葘).
#rG.100.25 K.AD117 D.3.2190.2 L.68 M.6652 KX..666.22 B.061.1.02 E.0
#rG.100.25 K.AD117 D.3.2190.2 L.68 M.6652 KX..666.22 B.061.1.02 E.0
#y joi\
#y joi\

Revision as of 04:40, 23 November 2017

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