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<WL>审(F審) [shěn] 审判 shěnpàn bring to trial; 审问 interrogate
<WL>审(F審) [shěn] examine/investigate; 审问 try/interrogate; 审判 bring to trial
The top is 宀 (mián) ‘roof’. The bottom is 申 shēn phonetic in the simple form 审. In the full form 審, the bottom is (fān).
The full form 審(􀌁) shěn ‘examine/investigate’ combines 宀(􁎝) ‘roof/building’, and 番(􀋽) fán ‘animal tracks’ (track an animal); 審 was formerly wr. 宷(􀌀), which is a rotated wr. of 𥸨(􀋿) fán ‘animal tracks’ (i.e. the top was not at all), cf. 釆(􀋻) biǎn.
In the simple form 审 the top is also 宀, but the bottom is 申 shēn (phonetic).
“Try (as a judge), investigate, examine — to 番 (track:) trace, investigate in 宀 the (court-) room” —Karlgren.
“Try (as a judge), investigate, examine — to 番 (track:) trace, investigate in 宀 the (court-) room” —Karlgren.
#rK.AD872 D.2.921.1 B.094.1.05 WHY...63 E.0
#rK.AD872 D.2.921.1 B.094.1.05 WHY...63 E.0

Revision as of 04:34, 23 November 2017

审 [To view this entry, please log in]

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