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<WL>冠 [guān] hat, crown  [guàn] first place; 冠军 guànjūn champion
<WL>冠 [guān] hat/cap; crest/crown  [guàn] first place; 冠军 champion; wear a hat
From 冖 (cover:) ‘hat’, (cún) ‘hand’, and 元 yuán phonetic.
The character 冠(􁒨) guān ‘hat’ combines 冖(􁒧𠘨) mì ‘covering’, 元 yuán ‘head’ (phonosemantic), and 寸 cún ‘measure/rule’: 官 guān ‘ruling officials’ wear different hats to 管 manage their duties.
Not to be confused with 寇 kòu.
Compare: 帽(􁒴冒􁒯冃) mào ‘hat’; 𠔼(􁒫) mǎo.
Compare: (􀣀) kòu.
HDZ: 冠 : guān : (总称) 帽子; 形状象帽子或在顶端的东西 (鸡冠, 花冠, 树冠); (姓) • guàn : 戴, 戴帽子; (古) (冠礼) (cf. 醮); 覆盖; (冠军); 加, 加在前面; 鸛
#rG.125.17,403.16 K.AD1337,GSR160a D.1.303.18 M.3564 KX..130.23 B.135.0.01 E.1
#rG.125.17,403.16 K.AD1337,GSR160a D.1.303.18 M.3564 KX..130.23 B.135.0.01 E.1
#y gun\ gun-
#y gun\ gun-

Revision as of 04:31, 23 November 2017

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