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<WL>伏 [fú] 伏案 bend down/over; 俯伏 fall prostrate; subside; 伏天 hot summer days; 起伏 rise & fall@@; 守候; 匿伏; 屈服  [fù] 孵卵; 負; 復 ()
<WL>伏 [fú] lie low/prone (潜伏, 俯伏); 埋伏 ambush; 起伏 rise & fall; 伏天 dog days of summer@@; (HDZ:) 守候; …; (cf. 匿伏); (cf. 屈服) … [fù] 孵卵; 負; 復
From 亻(人 rén) ‘person’ and 犬 (quǎn) ‘dog’.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 伏(􁘱) fú ‘lie (low) in wait/ambush for, (lurk/hide) on watch for’ combines 亻(人 rén) ‘person’ (superior), and 犬 (quǎn) ‘dog’ (stealthy/submissive inferior); a wild dog tamed lies (in check/wait) at the feet of its master, ready (to hunt/defend) for scraps (or unwisely, to bite the hand that feeds).
“Dog and man: to admit defeat, give up, struck to the ground. The various meanings of the character demonstrate some of the Chinese attitudes toward dogs” —Lindqvist.
Note: 伏 fú ‘lie (low) in wait/ambush for; lie prone (face down); hide/concel, lie low; (lie in) ambush; submit/yield/surrender; admire/accept; check/subdue; fall (low); guard; eliminate; live (in a place); etc.’ (HDZ).
“[伏] Dog and man: to admit defeat, give up, struck to the ground. The various meanings of the character demonstrate some of the Chinese attitudes toward dogs” —Lindqvist.
HDZ: 伏 : fú : 守候 (司/伺; cf. 伏伺); 俯伏, 面向下卧 (cf. 覆); 身体前倾靠在物体上; 藏匿, 隐蔽 (cf. 藏伏, 隐伏); 伏兵, 伏击 (cf. 埋伏, 伏埋, 覆); 屈服, 顺服 (罪人黜伏; 海外賓伏); 佩服, 信服; 降服, 制伏; 低, 低下去 (此起彼伏, cf. 起伏) (日光穿漏, 伏波不興); 守, 保守; 去, 除掉 (宵静女德, 以伏蠱慝; 有消伏埋不?); 居处, 居住; (敬词); 伏天, 伏日 (初伏, 中伏, 末伏, 三伏); 车轼, 车前横木 (cf. 絥/鞴); (中医) 脉象之一, 脉搏沉伏…; (中药) 泡制法之一; (量词) 用于计时; (电学) 电势差、电位差和电压单位, (简称) 伏特 (cf. volt, V); 服: (从事; 吃, 吃药; 适应); (姓) • fù : 孵卵 (cf. 孵); 負 (欺負/伏); 復: ((连词) 又; 回报)
HDC: 伏伺 : 隐伏窥伺; 服侍
HDC: 隱伏 : 潜伏, 隐藏; 隐瞒, 隐讳; 隐遁, 隐居; 隐居的人; 隐藏着的事物
HDC: 俯伏 : 俯首伏地, 多表示恐惧屈服或极端崇敬; 弯着身子
#rG.436.47,453.21 K.GSR935a D.1.119.4 L.124 M.1964 KX..95.23 B.029.1.05 E.1
#rG.436.47,453.21 K.GSR935a D.1.119.4 L.124 M.1964 KX..95.23 B.029.1.05 E.1
#y fuhk-
#y fuhk-

Revision as of 01:08, 20 December 2018

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