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From Wenlin Dictionaries
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ref  31575
ref  31575
ps  v.o.
ps  v.o.
1df  it doesn't matter; never mind
1df  [en] it doesn't matter; never mind
1df  [fr] ce n'est pas grave ; laisse tomber
1ex@cl  Shībàile ∼, chóngxīn ²zài lái.
1ex@cl  Shībàile ∼, chóngxīn ²zài lái.
1hz  失败了∼, 重新再来。
1hz  失败了∼, 重新再来。
1tr  It doesn't matter if you fail. Just try again.
1tr  [en] It doesn't matter if you fail. Just try again.
2df@fe  It's not important/difficult.
1tr  [fr] Ce n'est pas grave si tu échoues. Essaie à nouveau.
freq  9.4 [XHPC:17]</WL>
2df@fe  [en] It's not important/difficult.
2df@fe  [fr] Ce n'est pas important / difficile.
freq  9.4 [XHPC:17]

Latest revision as of 01:03, 14 December 2016

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URL: https://wenlin.co/wow/Ci:1008434892
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