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ref  20820
ref  20820
ps  v.o.
ps  v.o.
df  report to the leadership on completing a task
df  [en] report to the leadership on completing a task
df  [fr] faire un rapport à son supérieur après avoir terminé une tache
ex@LP  Yào zhùyì zhìliàng, bùnéng guāng wèile ∼.
ex@LP  Yào zhùyì zhìliàng, bùnéng guāng wèile ∼.
hz  要注意质量, 不能光为了∼。
hz  要注意质量, 不能光为了∼。
tr  Pay attention to the quality. It shouldn't only be for reporting to the boss.
tr  [en] Pay attention to the quality. It shouldn't only be for reporting to the boss.
freq  5 [gr:E]</WL>
tr  [fr] Fais attention à la qualité de ton travail, il ne suffit pas de le terminer pour faire ton rapport.
freq  5 [gr:E]

Latest revision as of 11:43, 13 November 2016

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URL: https://wenlin.co/wow/Ci:1005859930
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