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<WL>數(S数) [shù] number; 數學 math  [shǔ] count @@[shuò] 疾速; 紧促; 屡次  [cù] (HDC:) 局數, 數目  [sù] (=)
<WL>數(S数) [shù] number; 數學 math  [shǔ] count@@ [shuò] 疾速; 紧促; 屡次  [cù] (HDC:) 局數, 數目  [sù] 速
For the rare readings, see 《汉语大词典》: shuò “屢次”; cù “细密, 周密”; sù “淹數”
For the rare readings, see 《汉语大词典》: shuò “屢次”; cù “细密, 周密”; sù “淹數”

Revision as of 21:50, 24 November 2015

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