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From Wenlin Dictionaries
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<WL>曲 [qū] (弯曲 wānqū) curved; (=麯粬麴) yeast  [qǔ] 乐曲 piece of music; 歌曲 song/melody
<WL>曲 [qū] (弯曲 wānqū) curved; (=麯粬麴) yeast  [qǔ] 乐曲 piece of music; 歌曲 song, melody
Picture of 蠶箔 cánbó ‘a bamboo tray/basket (used in sericulture)’; cf. 􂎝曲􂎞𠤬 and 􂎅𠥓􂎄匚).
Picture of 蠶箔 cánbó ‘a bamboo tray/basket (used in sericulture)’; cf. 􂎝曲􂎞𠤬 and 􂎅𠥓􂎄匚).
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#rG.463.07 K.AD492,GSR1213a D.2.1484.2 M.1623 KX..502.02 B.027.0.07
#rG.463.07 K.AD492,GSR1213a D.2.1484.2 M.1623 KX..502.02 B.027.0.07
#y kuk\
#y kuk\

Revision as of 23:19, 9 March 2016

曲 [To view this entry, please log in]

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