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<WL>擅 [shàn] 擅自 do without authorization; 擅长 be good at
<WL>擅 [shàn] (adv.) 擅自 without authorization (任意); 擅长 be good at@@ (善/擅于)
From 扌(手 shǒu) ‘hand’ and 亶 dǎn phonetic.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 擅(􂆸) shàn combines 扌(手 shǒu) ‘hand’ and 亶(􀺍) dǎn (phonetic).
Compare: 善(􀜸𧨅) shàn ‘good’ (善/擅于).
Note: 善/擅 are not homophones in MC (上聲 vs. 去聲), though they are homophones in OC (GSR).
HDZ: 擅 : shàn : 独揽; 专长, 善于; 据有; (副词) 擅自, 任意; 掸: 持; 禪: 禅让
#rK.GSR148o D.3.1971.4 M.5653 G.409.16 KX..457.34 B.379.1.03
#rK.GSR148o D.3.1971.4 M.5653 G.409.16 KX..457.34 B.379.1.03
#y sihn-
#y sihn-

Revision as of 03:37, 15 April 2017

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